Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Cerita ini udah punya beberapa kandidat nama.
Yang pertama kepikir ama gue, tema serialnya Secrets.
Terus ada usulan Unveiling Shadows.
Ada lagi Revelation.
Ada lagi...gue lupa.
Pastinya, ini ceritanya:
Tentang agensi khusus yang bisa ngirim orang balik ke masa lalu untuk nemu kode-kode sejarah yang tersembunyi.
Rick dikirim ke Titanic untuk nyari dokumen yang disembunyiin di kapal itu sebelum hilang di laut waktu insiden Iceberg Crash,
Miley dikirim ke Krakatau taun 1883 untuk nyari bunker rahasia di pulau itu dan nyelametin kode sama dokumen2 yg disembunyiin di situ sejak jaman Portugis,
Terrence dikirim ke perundingan Diponegoro untuk mastiin dimana VOC nyembunyiin harta jarahan Inggris di Indonesia,
Dona dikirim ke 9/11 untuk nyari kode rahasia dibalik sabotase pesawat itu,
Sam dikirim ke penyerangan Bizantium untuk mastiin kode di dinding benteng Bizantium bisa diambil dan direkam sebelum Bizantium ancur,
Dan masih banyak lagi.
Tiap misi range waktunya sejam, karena kalo telat si agen bakal ikut jadi korban di Mass Death Incident nya.
Kalo semua kode digabung, rahasia kejadian2 bersejarah di dunia bisa dibongkar sampe ke akar2nya. Di tangan yg bener, ini bisa nyelametin Bumi.
Di tangan yg salah, ini bisa berarti kiamat.
Gw pengen ngajak tmn2 gue Moeis, Princess, Salsa, sama Sarah buat ikut nulis bareng. Jadi tiap cerita beda gayanya :)
Wass. wr. wb.
- Alfi
Butret.....akhirnya jadi juga blog pribadi gue. udah lama bgt ngimpiin, ngerencanain, di spooring, balancing...alah embel2 amat dah. ga perlu gw sebutin satu2, kan??? gw bkal pke bhs sehari2 en bhs SMS nasional en interlokal, maklum yeeeh.....
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Gue lagi nulis Myth Jumpers kan, nah gue udah ada ide bikin lanjutannya. Isinya data2 ama cerita pendek gitulah. Ini slshstu sneak peek nyaa. Dipotong dr slhstu cerpen yg ada, judulnya Holiday's End.
I listened more carefully.
One, two, three. Three knocks. Tony was right.
"Go," I said. "Go!"
Fera ran away so quickly I can barely see her. Tony went underground -- Underworld. James ran after Fera. Laura stayed by my side.
"Why aren't you running?" I asked her. She smiled.
"I'm always by your side, remember?"
"I thought it was just a song lyric." But I have to admit, I am sort of pleased having Laura around.
Laura raised Chrusos. She isn't to defend. She's to fight. I smiled and raised Silverlight.
"Let's go," I said.
We ran to the other side of the alley. I accidentally kicked a paper and realized it was the test questions.
"Check this out," Laura said as she took a sheet while running. "Benjamin Franklin is known for his kite-and-key experiment that he did in the middle of a thunderstorm. In what year does he did this?"
"I don't think I know when," I said. "But Franklin is a Thor-Blessed. He won't get shocked in that experiment -- which is pretty much fine."
Laura laughed. "Right, and who's supposed to be a child of Aphrodite?"
"Don't ask," I said grimly. My last encounter with an Aphrodite offspring didn't go on so well -- I can only cope with Laura and that's the best already. "I just know that Shaka Zulu's Buffalo Horn tactic is apparently given by Athena through the animals around Africa."
"And you know that from...?"
"She told me."
We finally reached the door. It was dark outside school. No one is around -- everyone's fled when the storm started striking in.
"Show yourself," I said. Laura prepared her Chrusos to fight.
A hooded figure appeared. He held a grip in his right hand and a silver knife in the left.
The grip glowed and started spreading electricity. I felt the power and took Silverlight into action just in time.
It shot an electricity bolt. Silverlight managed to disperse it into air. Laura shot to that man, but he suddenly disappeared.
"Who's that?" Laura asked. I shrugged.
"Probably a Zeus demigod. Or a Thor-Blessed."
Then a voice rose, "Or neither."
We looked back. Another lightning bolt struck me, but this time I have no chance to neither defend nor evade the attack. Laura was hit as well. We flew for several feet backwards when the man disappeared again.
Where could he be? I looked around but he's nowhere in sight. But then that's when a ball of wind emerged from the air and pushed something -- or someone -- away.
"Will!" I cried. He's the only one able to do this. Will smiled from the distance.
"I'm not too late, am I?" he asked. Laura stood up and helped me to get on my feet. She hugged Will.
"It's a long time," she said. "How's your father?"
"He's good," Will said. "But -- look out!"
His sudden warning made its way into my mind quickly and I ducked. Will swung his blade Anemos into where I was and a blast of wind appeared there. The hooded man was thrown away.
"Let's see who this is," Will said as he forced the hood open. But then Laura gasped and I can feel myself paling.
The man was headless.
Well, that's it for now.
Wass. wr. wb.
Gue lagi nulis Myth Jumpers kan, nah gue udah ada ide bikin lanjutannya. Isinya data2 ama cerita pendek gitulah. Ini slshstu sneak peek nyaa. Dipotong dr slhstu cerpen yg ada, judulnya Holiday's End.
I listened more carefully.
One, two, three. Three knocks. Tony was right.
"Go," I said. "Go!"
Fera ran away so quickly I can barely see her. Tony went underground -- Underworld. James ran after Fera. Laura stayed by my side.
"Why aren't you running?" I asked her. She smiled.
"I'm always by your side, remember?"
"I thought it was just a song lyric." But I have to admit, I am sort of pleased having Laura around.
Laura raised Chrusos. She isn't to defend. She's to fight. I smiled and raised Silverlight.
"Let's go," I said.
We ran to the other side of the alley. I accidentally kicked a paper and realized it was the test questions.
"Check this out," Laura said as she took a sheet while running. "Benjamin Franklin is known for his kite-and-key experiment that he did in the middle of a thunderstorm. In what year does he did this?"
"I don't think I know when," I said. "But Franklin is a Thor-Blessed. He won't get shocked in that experiment -- which is pretty much fine."
Laura laughed. "Right, and who's supposed to be a child of Aphrodite?"
"Don't ask," I said grimly. My last encounter with an Aphrodite offspring didn't go on so well -- I can only cope with Laura and that's the best already. "I just know that Shaka Zulu's Buffalo Horn tactic is apparently given by Athena through the animals around Africa."
"And you know that from...?"
"She told me."
We finally reached the door. It was dark outside school. No one is around -- everyone's fled when the storm started striking in.
"Show yourself," I said. Laura prepared her Chrusos to fight.
A hooded figure appeared. He held a grip in his right hand and a silver knife in the left.
The grip glowed and started spreading electricity. I felt the power and took Silverlight into action just in time.
It shot an electricity bolt. Silverlight managed to disperse it into air. Laura shot to that man, but he suddenly disappeared.
"Who's that?" Laura asked. I shrugged.
"Probably a Zeus demigod. Or a Thor-Blessed."
Then a voice rose, "Or neither."
We looked back. Another lightning bolt struck me, but this time I have no chance to neither defend nor evade the attack. Laura was hit as well. We flew for several feet backwards when the man disappeared again.
Where could he be? I looked around but he's nowhere in sight. But then that's when a ball of wind emerged from the air and pushed something -- or someone -- away.
"Will!" I cried. He's the only one able to do this. Will smiled from the distance.
"I'm not too late, am I?" he asked. Laura stood up and helped me to get on my feet. She hugged Will.
"It's a long time," she said. "How's your father?"
"He's good," Will said. "But -- look out!"
His sudden warning made its way into my mind quickly and I ducked. Will swung his blade Anemos into where I was and a blast of wind appeared there. The hooded man was thrown away.
"Let's see who this is," Will said as he forced the hood open. But then Laura gasped and I can feel myself paling.
The man was headless.
Well, that's it for now.
Wass. wr. wb.
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
So, gue ceritanya lagi tergila-gila dengan yang namanya The Hunger Games. Karena, demi apapun, itu keren abis.
Ceritanya dimulai di masa depan, ratusan tahun lagi, abis terjadi perang global dan kiamat. Ada koloni yang selamat di Amerika Utara dan mereka bikin negara namanya Panem. Panem ini punya satu Capitol (ibukota) dan 13 Distrik. Karena pemberontakan di masa lalu (yang ngebikin Distrik 13 ancur) pemerintahnya ngasih perintah tiap Distrik harus ngirim satu cowok dan satu cewek yang umurnya 12-18 secara acak untuk ditandingin sampe mati di acara TV The Hunger Games.
Nah, Katniss Everdeen itu warga Distrik 12 (Distrik termiskin). Ayahnya udah meninggal di ledakan tambang lima tahun lalu (Distrik 12 produksi batubara). Jadi dia tinggal sama nyokap ama adeknya. Nah, waktu Reaping (pemungutan) adeknya kepilih. Katniss ngajuin diri untuk jadi Tribute (peserta) untuk nggantiin adeknya. Bareng sama Peeta Mellark, Tribute cowok dari Distrik 12, mereka ke Capitol untuk bertarung sampe mati lawan 22 Tribute lain dari Distrik-Distrik lainnya sampe tinggal 1 pemenang -- 1 yang bertahan hidup di pertumpahan darah anak-lawan-anak.
Kalo udah baca, nggak mungkin deh mau naro dulu untuk ngapain. Dijamin gatel baca terus. My fave author, Rick Riordan, said that this novel has come clearly close to what is called a perfect action novel. And I agree with him!
Nah, saking senengnya, gue bikin game hape Hunger Games. Namanya HungerGamesLite. Di game ini, kita jadi Tribute yang mesti berusaha bertahan hidup lawan Tribtue lain -- berburu, bikin jebakan, rebutan senjata, bikin aliansi sementara -- yang pastinya bakal ada pembunuhan. Tenang, gak ada image yang gory gitu kok :)
Gue juga udah bikin dan bakal gue rilis sekuelnya, namanya QuarterQuellLite. Quarter Quell itu Hunger Games khusus yang diadain tiap 25 tahun sekali. Aturannya beda, dan Arenanya juga. Jadi lebih nantang. Mentornya Katniss sama Peeta, Haymitch, menang di QQ kedua -- Hunger Games kelimapuluh. Di situ, aturannya adalah jumlah Tribute jadi dua kali lipat -- jadi dari 24 naik jadi 48. Dan Arenanya? Tiap aspek di Arena beracun: buahnya, buruannya. Yang bisa dimakan cuma makanan di Cornucopia -- bangunan gede bentuknya kaya Keong Mas di TMII, kaya terompet emas gitu deh. Di sini biasanya bloodbath pertama terjadi.
QuarterQuellLite itu ya kayak Quarter Quell tadi -- aturan acak, Arena beda dari Arena biasanya. Gue nyediain tiga aturan dan tiga Arena. Aturan-aturannya ada Elected Tributes, Twice Usual, sama All Star. Tiap aturan punya efek tersendiri di game. Kalo Arenanya, ada Beautifully Deadly, A Matter of Time, sama Drowned Deep. Mereka juga punya efek sendiri di game. So, dengan kombinasi acak, makin susah kalo main QQLite dibanding HGLite. Udah terbukti di gue -- gue keseringan main QQLite dan pas main HGLite ternyata rasanya gampang banget!
So, that's all for now. Review game sama walkthrough nya kapan-kapan yaaa.
Wass. wr. wb.
So, gue ceritanya lagi tergila-gila dengan yang namanya The Hunger Games. Karena, demi apapun, itu keren abis.
Ceritanya dimulai di masa depan, ratusan tahun lagi, abis terjadi perang global dan kiamat. Ada koloni yang selamat di Amerika Utara dan mereka bikin negara namanya Panem. Panem ini punya satu Capitol (ibukota) dan 13 Distrik. Karena pemberontakan di masa lalu (yang ngebikin Distrik 13 ancur) pemerintahnya ngasih perintah tiap Distrik harus ngirim satu cowok dan satu cewek yang umurnya 12-18 secara acak untuk ditandingin sampe mati di acara TV The Hunger Games.
Nah, Katniss Everdeen itu warga Distrik 12 (Distrik termiskin). Ayahnya udah meninggal di ledakan tambang lima tahun lalu (Distrik 12 produksi batubara). Jadi dia tinggal sama nyokap ama adeknya. Nah, waktu Reaping (pemungutan) adeknya kepilih. Katniss ngajuin diri untuk jadi Tribute (peserta) untuk nggantiin adeknya. Bareng sama Peeta Mellark, Tribute cowok dari Distrik 12, mereka ke Capitol untuk bertarung sampe mati lawan 22 Tribute lain dari Distrik-Distrik lainnya sampe tinggal 1 pemenang -- 1 yang bertahan hidup di pertumpahan darah anak-lawan-anak.
Kalo udah baca, nggak mungkin deh mau naro dulu untuk ngapain. Dijamin gatel baca terus. My fave author, Rick Riordan, said that this novel has come clearly close to what is called a perfect action novel. And I agree with him!
Nah, saking senengnya, gue bikin game hape Hunger Games. Namanya HungerGamesLite. Di game ini, kita jadi Tribute yang mesti berusaha bertahan hidup lawan Tribtue lain -- berburu, bikin jebakan, rebutan senjata, bikin aliansi sementara -- yang pastinya bakal ada pembunuhan. Tenang, gak ada image yang gory gitu kok :)
Gue juga udah bikin dan bakal gue rilis sekuelnya, namanya QuarterQuellLite. Quarter Quell itu Hunger Games khusus yang diadain tiap 25 tahun sekali. Aturannya beda, dan Arenanya juga. Jadi lebih nantang. Mentornya Katniss sama Peeta, Haymitch, menang di QQ kedua -- Hunger Games kelimapuluh. Di situ, aturannya adalah jumlah Tribute jadi dua kali lipat -- jadi dari 24 naik jadi 48. Dan Arenanya? Tiap aspek di Arena beracun: buahnya, buruannya. Yang bisa dimakan cuma makanan di Cornucopia -- bangunan gede bentuknya kaya Keong Mas di TMII, kaya terompet emas gitu deh. Di sini biasanya bloodbath pertama terjadi.
QuarterQuellLite itu ya kayak Quarter Quell tadi -- aturan acak, Arena beda dari Arena biasanya. Gue nyediain tiga aturan dan tiga Arena. Aturan-aturannya ada Elected Tributes, Twice Usual, sama All Star. Tiap aturan punya efek tersendiri di game. Kalo Arenanya, ada Beautifully Deadly, A Matter of Time, sama Drowned Deep. Mereka juga punya efek sendiri di game. So, dengan kombinasi acak, makin susah kalo main QQLite dibanding HGLite. Udah terbukti di gue -- gue keseringan main QQLite dan pas main HGLite ternyata rasanya gampang banget!
So, that's all for now. Review game sama walkthrough nya kapan-kapan yaaa.
Wass. wr. wb.
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