
Proyek2 yg sedang dikerjakan:
- Archaeozoic Area, browser-based game (almost completed)
- Myth Jumpers, fiction novel written in English (almost completed)
- DOWN Tetralogy: Unconscious, Deep Thoughts, One False Impulse, The Thinker's Final Mistake (incomplete)
- FORWARD Trilogy: Eyes, Mirror, Lenses (incomplete. Not even started yet)
- LEAP Pentalogy: Rendezvous, Cornered, Divided, Gather, Destination (incomplete. Not even started yet)
- Icarus, novel (incomplete. Only synopsis is done so far)
- Chaos Academy, either a novel or a comic (incomplete, ideas came in parts)
- Jatuh cinta (completed!)
- Mendapatkan gadis yang diidam2kan menjadi pasangan <-doakan saya yaaaa
- Mendapatkan ranking 1 (FAILED)
- Writing Secrets bareng Sarah, Moeis, Salsa, and Princess :) (incomplete)
- Bikin G21D Arena buat platform hape (completed!)
- Bikin HungerGamesLite sama QuarterQuellLite (completed!)
- Bikin TrueHungerGames! (completed!)

Proyek2 baru akan segera ditambahkan. Wish me luck and I'LL wish YOU good luck! :P C y'all :)